Post-media fashion...

Posted by Maria 'OhSo' Golden On 12:28 0 comments
Hello all!
I've missed you quite a bit!
Well I was wondering a few weeks back why it was becoming soo hard to be unique and individual nowadays, without having people poke and prod you as if your an extra-terrestrial. Well the truth is peepz, hardly anyone is original any more, I wish I could even say... I was but the truth is I'm as fashion forward as any other fashion magazine or blogger around.

Being unique is to REALLY stand out, not just partially 
The reason why it's become soo hard to be unique is because we are all becoming media categorised, we only know what the media teaches us. For example all the hot 'new' looks out this season have been out TIME AGO. Take minimalism, yea sure it's hot, but that was from the late 90's.

Weird thing is I kinda knew minimalism would make a comeback :s
 Then take the floral 60's, we kinda tried to claim it as our own... boy did we beg. Even take the whole 'Vintage' look, it's all clothes from the past that has just been worn again... Because, honestly, we can't think of anything else. And this means music, TV shows, hairstyles, art, dance and every other possible media influenced subject.

It kinda scares me that being 'unique' is soo contrived nowadays, because then that means we're just gonna keep repeating the record until sooner or later the record player blows up

Ciao <3
hope I didn't upset you too much :'(
I know I'm upset loool

