Little did I know that I would be emptying out my bank account!
I started by hitting Deptford market and buying some lining for some clothes; I then went to Rolls & Rems in Lewisham to buy some sewing patters, as I'm not so great at cutting patterns yet; I then went to to the fabric shop down the road in front of the 21 bus stop, which sells the same as Rolls & Rems, but for just a fraction of the price... you know me, cheapskate that I am
So then I think about all that I bought... and the thing is I still need to buy some more as what I bought is not sufficient enough to make a collection.
But I saw some girls in Rolls & Rems who looked the same age as me, who spent a good £200 on material and I just thought to myself "either your rich, or a broke ass negro"
See the likely hood is they are just as broke as me, or probably even more so (if that's possible).
What people don't realise is that being an up and coming designer is like spending all you have with hope that money will appear out of no where.
For example take the label PPQ and it's designer Amy Molyneaux and manager person Percy Parker (cute name right!).
They went from having a tiny business to a massive one... then having their flagship fashion house shut down in Mayfair. They now have an online store and are still going from strength to strength in the London Fashion Weeks.
Some people think it's all easy to be a designer and to generate money... most designers go through bankruptcy at least once in their lifespan.
Several designers and designer labels have gone through numerous boom and bust fazes, even Burberry after it acquired a 'CHAV' label for it's brown gingham print.
Fashion aint all glitz and glam as people think, many designers and even models eating hand-to-mouth (maybe not so much eating for the models), trying to make a living.
HOWEVER let's not forget success stories such as Alexander McQueen who was brought up in the East End and was the son of a Taxi driver, who later became the most acclaimed British designer of our time, with numerous celebrities on waiting lists to purchase his couture pieces.
Like that old lady said in Coming To America "Come on Hunny! Take a Chance!"
This is dedicated to all the hard-working designers out their trying to make it-your time will soon come :)
Ciao Now ♥