But I've been re-inventing myself for years! From when I used to live in Lewisham and I was all ghetto, to when I moved to St. Catherine's and was dubbed 'White Girl', then adopting one of my least favourites 'Bimbo' (with reference to my Caucasian like and light headed behaviour) was given to me last year, which I have to say led to me doing a series of things.
I can honestly say re-inventing yourself is probably one of the hardest things to do, because you basically change your life, the way you approach it and how others approach you.
I have this friend who's been meaning to change her style since LAST YEAR! She's always saying "Maria you need to help me change my dress sense. We should go shopping..." and the usual. LOOL I find this particular example funny, because she's my friend and she has a clear idea of what she wants to look like, but she can't seem to take the step to changing.
What people don't realise is 'YOU ARE YOUR OWN INVENTION'
When you look in the mirror, the image that is in front of you was not given to you, but in fact you invented it yourself.
From the way you do your hair, to the way you tie your laces, everything you do is something you have chosen to do, creating who you are.
So people shouldn't feel stuck in a mould they can't get out of, because if the mould was made by you, you can easily choose to strip it down!
A nice quick example is when I used to have long hair, I was called 'bimbo' and 'airhead' on a regular basis and I think my hair style had a lot to do with it, because when I finally cut my hair (which is a WHOLE other topic in its self) people never uttered those two words to me again.
Looking back like 3 weeks ago (loool I know, not that long ago) I dunno how the hell I had long hair, it's just not me at all, it gave the impression of some kind of ultra-feminine chick that I was not (If you see my room...).
I was originally gonna call this post 'If I can do it, you can do it too', but then I wanted to make it less about myself and more about you. I just had enough of people still trying to fit into the mould, for fear that if they do they'll lose their friends or be pushing away their 'given' identity or even would forget their identity all together.
A perfect example of someone I know who re-invented themselves was someone called Sandra who re-invented herself and didn't care what people thought, which was quite the opposite in Secondary School. Yet she perseveres, even when people stare at her for wearing black lipstick or mistake her for a lesbian (loool sorry Sandra I find that hilarious)... because to her, she is who she is and no on else defines that.
I'm just tired of seeing people who want to change stifled by their own minds or by the minds of those around them!
A smart girl called Maia (who helped me preview this. THANKS) once said to me: don't live up to or even let people label you, you are the way you've decided to be for a reason, and it works.Over and out ♥
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