How To Wear Clothes 101

Posted by Maria 'OhSo' Golden On 20:26
Recently I had to plan a fashion show, and one of my main priorities was obviously making the clothes look good, but they can't look good if you don't make it look good... And I'm not talking about your actual physical appearance, but your confidence and the amount of 'wearage' you have (wearage: rocking clothes).
It did not occur to me how important wearage was till the day of the fashion show when I had to deal with my models.
And here was my big advice:
Lie! Lie! Lie!Lie! Lie!Lie!Lie!
If you 'act' like it's hott, they will 'believe' it's hott!

After all, in this world of no faith 'Seeing is believing'!
So my models, stepped up the game on their wearage and they had the audience eating out their hands....
So the moral of the story is people, next time you want to wear and Ugly Betty outfit... bring up the levs on your wearage and make it look fierce!


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