We all judge by the cover... be honest!

Posted by Maria 'OhSo' Golden On 19:58
I was sitting down today and thought about my friend, who I'm going to call Care, so Care is always on about how people shouldn't judge her from the way she looks and the way she speaks (Cuz her voice is naturally different, very high), which I think is fine cuz she is a VERY unique individual anyway, and all those elements is what makes her unique and makes people love her. But she hates sometimes being dubbed the 'weird' one, as she finds it derogatory... But maybe she's right?
 When I wasn't too attractive I never get paid the sought of attention I get now, I now find it easier to make friends and be confident because people can call me 'pretty'. But if I was the girl I was before the weight-loss or the dress-sense... would you even pay me any mind?
Recently I planned a fashion show as part of a project called 'Set Fashion Free' and my group was called 'Desire Africa'. We made some BEAUTIFUL clothes and had GORGEOUS models, almost ALL designs displayed on the night were done by Tosin-Maria, who wasn't even originally apart of my group but was a life-saver... Anyway, after the fashion show people began to approach me to do more and I thought to myself 'Why are they calling me the designer out of the whole group?', and then I realised it was because I looked the part, not because they saw my own personal talent or skills... then I just thought 'HOW SHALLOW', but I would do the same thing... and so would you! but do you admit it?
That you judge a book by it's cover?

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